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***HOME PAGE (Gabbiano Blu Blog) *** The POETRY Page - ( Gabbiano Blu' s Words and Poems .. ) ***KEANU QUOTES (By Gabbiano Blu)

***KEANU BIOGRAPHY (By Gabbiano Blu) *** 47 RONIN (3D Movie ) ***KEANU FILMOGRAPHY (By Gabbiano Blu)




- "G A B B I A N O . B L U" - B L O G / P A G E S ....:


martedì 16 dicembre 2008

KEANU REEVES Premiere TDTESS in New York city...!!!

Actor Keanu Reeves attended "The Day The Earth Stood Still" Premiere at AMC Loews Lincoln Square on 09 December 2008, in New York city...

Red Carpet for... TDTESS..:
a great film..., with actor Keanu Reeves as alien Klaatu...!!!

( Scott Derrikson Director...; made by Century Fox.... )



Bye... Florence Gabbiano Blu...Rosa rossa


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