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***HOME PAGE (Gabbiano Blu Blog) *** The POETRY Page - ( Gabbiano Blu' s Words and Poems .. ) ***KEANU QUOTES (By Gabbiano Blu)

***KEANU BIOGRAPHY (By Gabbiano Blu) *** 47 RONIN (3D Movie ) ***KEANU FILMOGRAPHY (By Gabbiano Blu)




- "G A B B I A N O . B L U" - B L O G / P A G E S ....:


**** The POETRY Page - ( Gabbiano Blu' s Words and Poems .. )


This is my quiet place … to give wings to my words.., for flying …!!!

"Pictures and Words".. ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

Hello Dear Friends ..!!

In this page "To Keanu Dedicated", you will find some of my personal poems, some simple words that were born by my heart.., ( and sometimes some my poems were created by my bizarre mind ..!! )
- All words and poems made by me are my creations, and obviously, all these really are part of my creations with all COPYRIGHTS RESERVED and PROTECTED.
-The photos, paintings and quotations made by other authors, posted in this page are for viewing, sharing and non-commercial purposes - No copyrights infringement is intended ..
Here, you can also find some beautiful, true Poem made by some important, Great Authors.. I recommend especially the reading of poems written by great authors ..!! I am sorry for my English language, and for any eventual mistake, I am an Italian girl and I live in North Italy ..


A long flight through Words and Pictures about the Life, the Hope, the Pain and finally about Love …
Are you ready for the journey ..?? Well , start to fly ..!!

“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul..”
( By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe )

"Never say Goodbye.." ( By Gabbiano Blu-"Poem"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )


Please..!! Tell me .., where is that beautiful place..??
-Outside the Time..
We will be able to fly into the Blue..
Through infinity Space.., without limits..
We will be able to sail freely and peacefully,
and.. the sunshine will warm our soul..

"I wish so.. Is it true what he says ..?? Please, tell me why.."

Ohhh..!! However.., where is that beautiful place..??
-It's not so far...
A day, we will find again our dear Angels..
They are able to feel our deep love..
Our heart always keeps never-ending love inside,
and.. they always sing in the wind..

"I love you.. Love me too.. Please, don't cry.."

Now.., we would like to touch them..!!
-Can you feel such pain..??
They would like to talk with us..
Listen to, the voice of your soul..
Look, through the blue sky.., the life must go on..,
believe me, true love is forever, and we should never say Goodbye..

" I love you .. Love me too .. I'm singing for you. Please, don't cry.."

( By Gabbiano Blu -Italy- "My Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

- "Vivere e Morire.." -

se ciò che è chiamato morire.. è vivere,
oppure se vivere è morire..
( By Platone )

"La ragione umana viene afflitta da domande che non può respingere,
perché le sono assegnate dalla natura della ragione stessa, e a cui però non può neanche dare risposta, perché esse superano ogni capacità della ragione umana". ( By Kant )

"Life and Death.." ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )

- "Life and Death.." -

Who knows..
if what is called to die.. it is the life..,
or if the life is to die..
( By Platone )

"The human reason is tormented by questions that it cannot reject,
because they are assigned by the nature of the reason itself, and to which however it cannot even give answer, because they overcome every ability of the human reason".. ( By Kant )

"If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got".. ( By Kurt Cobain )

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey".
( By Stephen Covey )

"The Life Flows like a River.." ( By Gabbiano Blu- "Poem"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

-"THE RIVER FLOWS.."- The Life..
( Enjoy your life.., just the way you are.., get your star in the sky..)

This.. is life..
Time after time..
You consume, sunrises and sunsets, and go..
Life calls "life".
Mothers and fathers, assist, sons and daughters..
Rivers.., as days and nights..
Flowing and flowing..
Nights and days.., as rivers..
Daughters and sons, assist, fathers and mothers..
Life calls "life".
Go.., and, sunsets and sunrises, consume you..
Time after time..
Life.. is this..

( By Gabbiano Blu "Palindrome Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

-"IL FIUME SCORRE.."- La Vita..
(Trascorri la tua vita.., solo nel modo che tu sei.. Ottieni la tua stella nel cielo..)

Questo.. è vita ..
Tempo dopo tempo ..
Te consumando albe e tramonti, così vai...
Vita chiama, "vita".
Madri e padri, assistono, figli e figlie..
Fiumi.., come giorni e notti..
Scorrono e scorrono..
Notti e giorni.., come fiumi..
Figlie e figli, assistono, padri e madri..
Vita chiama, "vita".
Vai.., così tramonti e albe consumando te..
Tempo dopo tempo..
Vita.. è questo ..

( By Gabbiano Blu "Palindrome Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

Ps / Just to joke with words, I wrote this poem in English and in Italian language, following the pattern of the method "Palindrome Poem", only with words forward and backward from central phrase "flowing and flowing". I wrote my poem, with the method palindrome, trying to apply the method during the writing in both languages, as far as possible..

"You are the light of the world.. Shine, and darkness will disappear.." ( By Paulo Coelho )

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it." ( By Danny Kaye )

"Siamo fatti anche noi della materia di cui son fatti i sogni..,
e nello spazio e nel tempo di un sogno è racchiusa la nostra breve vita.." ( By W. Shakespeare )

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
( By Henry David Thoreau )

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.."
( By Nelson Henderson )

"Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves, but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring.” ( By Carl Sagan )

"Le nostre lealtà sono verso le specie e il pianeta. Parliamo per la terra. Il nostro obbligo di sopravvivere è dovuto non solo a noi stessi, ma anche a quel cosmo, antico e vasto, da cui abbiamo primavera." (Da Carl Sagan)

"Life.." ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )


"Il nostro intuito ci spinge a comprendere la realtà.
E' una fiamma che s'è accesa dentro di noi, nella nostra mente, nel più nobile dei nostri organi.. Qui, c'è un motore tenuto in vita dal nostro desiderio di conoscenza. Questo motore, disse Protagora, è la misura di tutte le cose.."
( By Ipazia - scienziata del IV secolo )

"Our intuition leads us to understand reality.
It is a flame, kindled within us, in our mind, into the best organ of our body .. Here's, an engine that it is kept alive by our desire to knowledge. This engine, as said Protagoras, is the measure of all things.. "
( By Hypatia - the fourth century scientist )

"The Intuition.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

-" THE TIME .."-

We can act for trying a way ..
to control the Space and the Matter,
with the ilusion to be able to dominate the Time ..
But really we can’t do anything to dominate
this sad and so ephemeral flowing of our Time ..
Our life is suspended between Space and Time,
and those are invisible, parametres of the Infinity.
Someone said that Time is relative ..,
and this thing it's really true ..
What is a day of our precious Time ,
if we consider the never ending life of Cosmos ..
It's nothing, and we are only stars dust ..
Tecnology can find many solutions ..
to do things in faster way,
to make our life better, and longest running ..
but always our poor earthly life is destined to end.
Man cannot dominate the flowing of Time ..
every material thing is destined to inevitable deterioration,
instead the Time is so noble and untouchable ..
Never we’ll be able to go against it,
because the mysterious, incrutable Time ..
seems to be the true lord of Universe,
as a never-ending, invisible being ..
that follows us along the way ..
A will flows between good and bad ..
as eternally suspended into its nothing ..
where the same Time is Nothing without the Life ..
The Infinity knowledge evolves throught the Space,
such pure Energy of Life, is so beating and chained to itself forever.
( By Gabbiano Blu – Words and Poems – Protected Reserved Copyrights )



"Lost time is never found again.." ( Benjamin Franklin )

"You may delay, but time will not.." ( Benjamin Franklin )

"All my possessions for a moment of time..". ( Elizabeth I )

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under the sun.
 A time to be born and a time to die.." ( Ecclesiastes 3:1 )

"Time.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.


"The happiness and peace of heart arise from the consciousness of doing what we consider right and proper, not by doing what others say and do.." ( By M. Gandhi )

"We are shaped by our thoughts. We become what we think.
When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.." ( Buddha )

"I love the simplicity that goes with humility. I like people who can hear the wind on their skin, feeling smell of things, capturing the soul of the same. Because, through these things, we can find the truth, the sweetness,
there is the feeling, there is still love.." ( By Alda Merini )

"Peace..." ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )

"How much far, you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong, because someday in life, you will have been, all of these".
( By George Washington Carver )

"Pace e Amore..." ( Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

-" Take a smile.., and give it to the World.."-

Get a smile..,
give it to one person, who it has never got.
Take a ray of sunshine..,
send it beyond where there is the night.
Discover a source..,
make wetting who lives in the mud.
Take a teardrop..,
lay down it on the face of anyone who has never wept.
Take the courage..,
deliver it in the minds of those who don't know to fight.
Discover the life..,
talk about it to one who cannot understand it.
Take the hope..,
and live in his light.
Take the goodness..,
and give it to one who doesn't know to donate.
Discover love..,
and show it to the World.

( By M. Gandhi )

"Hope and light".. ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )

-" Prendi un sorriso.., e regalalo al Mondo..."-

Prendi un sorriso,
regalalo a chi non l’ ha mai avuto.
Prendi un raggio di sole,
per farlo volare là dove regna la notte.
Scopri una sorgente,
fai bagnare chi vive nel fango.
Prendi una lacrima,
posala sul volto di chi non ha pianto.
Prendi il coraggio,
mettilo nell’ animo di chi non sa lottare.
Scopri la vita,
raccontala a chi non sa capirla.
Prendi la speranza,
e vivi nella sua luce.
Prendi la bontà,
e donala a chi non sa donare.
Scopri l’amore,
per farlo conoscere al mondo.

( By M. Gandhi )

"Hope".. ( Gabbiano Blu - Italy )

-"La Speranza.."-

La Speranza.., secondo me è come essenza della Vita stessa..

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Words" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

-"HOPE .."-

The Hope.., I think it's like essence of human life ..

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Words" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Hope.." ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )

I am Catholic, but my mind is open to every aspect of life .. I believe in an Universal God ..
Here, I want to show, some significant words that said a Pope …
Maybe most people don’t know it, but Pope John Paul II was also a great Poet …

Pope Karol .. ( Pope John Paul II ) said..:

"Open the doors to Christ.."
"Don't be afraid to accept Christ and accept His authority. Help the Pope and all those who want to serve Christ and the power of Christ, to serve man and humanity as a whole. Do not be afraid. Open, open the doors to Christ. To His power that is spiritual salvation, open the borders of the Member States, the economic and political systems, the vast fields of culture, civilization, development. Do not be afraid. Christ knows what's inside man. Only He knows. Today often the man does not know what is inside, in the depths of his soul, and inside his heart. So the man is often uncertain about the meaning of his life on this earth. The man is invaded by doubt that turns into despair.
Allow Christ to speak to humans. He alone has words of life, even of life eternal. "

"La religione non deve mai essere utilizzata come motivo di conflitto. Cristiani e musulmani, insieme con i credenti di ogni religione, sono chiamati a ripudiare la violenza per costruire un' umanità amante della vita,
che si sviluppi nella giustizia e nella solidarietà."
( By Papa Giovanni Paolo II )

"The religion should never be used as motivation of conflict. Christians and Muslims, together with all people professing any other religion, they all are called to refuse the violence, to build a humanity that loves the life,
and that grows through justice and solidariety."
( By Papa Giovanni Paolo II )

I also think so...!!!

Papa Giovanni Paolo II really said right and significative words..
I think that people should always remember that every sort of war is done to hide his real motivations,
showing some pseudo reasons..!!!
So I just want to say ..: "Peace to the World .. !! Peace and Love to everybody...!!!"

One day this Pope also said these words: "Peace does not reign among men,
if not first reigns in the heart of each of them." ( By Giovanni Paolo II )

"Nessuna cività potrà essere considerata tale se cercherà di prevalere sulle altre."
"Never civilization will be considered true, whenever the same will try to be prevalent on some other." ( By M.Gandhi )

"Non pensate mai che la guerra, per quanto necessaria o giustificata, non sia un crimine."
"Even if one war could be considered necessary or legitimate, we don't think that the same can't be a crime anyway."
( By E. Hemingway )

"La violenza non è forza.., ma debolezza.."
"The violence is not strength.., but it is weakness.." ( By B. Croce )

"War kills innocence.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

"We should only want the Peace.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

"We must become the change.. we want to see." ( By M. Gandhi )

"A NO uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a YES merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble."
( By M. Gandhi )

"Open your eyes.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

-"The REMORSE .."-

"There is no witness so dreadful, no accuser so terrible as the conscience that dwells in the heart of every man."
( By Polybius )

"Human Conscience-stricken.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.


"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief.., and unspeakable love." ( By Washington Irving )

"Tears.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

"The Ocean of Emotions and his Tears.." ( By Gabbiano Blu ' s Words - Italy )

- Grief changes shape.. But it never ends ...
People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say.. "it's gone and I'm better.."
They're wrong..!! -
( These words were spoken by actor Keanu Reeves..) 
Respectfully ( Gabbiano Blu -Italia )

 ( The Echo of open wounds )

- Grief changes his shape ..,
closed into the heart.
- Grief lives inside of us ..,
hits our soul ..
with a blade of ice ..
pushing it inside,
down in a wound that still burns.
- Grief calls us as a voice in the wind ..,
Its echo brings us so many questions so sad.
- Grief keeps its segrets ..,
and leaves us without answers ..,
it lulls us among waves of memories ..
so confused, fog..,
lost in the past time folds.

( By Gabbiano Blu "Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved ) ...


- Il Dolore cambia la sua forma ...,
chiuso nel nostro cuore.
- Il Dolore vive dentro di noi ...,
colpisce la nostra anima ...
con una lama di ghiaccio ...
spingendo all'interno ...,
giù in una ferita che brucia ancora.
- Il Dolore ci chiama come una voce nel vento ....
La sua eco ci porta tante domande così tristi.
- Il Dolore mantiene i suoi segreti ...,
e ci lascia senza risposte ...,
esso ci culla tra le onde dei ricordi ...
così confusi, come nebbia ...,
persi nelle pieghe del tempo passato.

( Di Gabbiano Blu "Poesie" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Never Ending grief of heart .." ( By Gabbiano Blu - "My Poems"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Tears of Life.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

"The secret meaning of tears.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

"Tears.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.


“What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I found in the son the unveiled secret of the father.”
( By Friedrich Nietzsche )

"The Secret.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

" DENIED FLIGHT.." - ( Fragile Innocence )

Children are like swallows ..
They spread out their wings in the nest ..,
to open the same well ..,
so they can fly away for Life ..
There are children ..,
whose wings were broken ..
There are children ..,
to whom their life has been stolen ..
There are children ..,
they will never be able ..
to know the sweet colors of Spring ..
There are children ..,
to whom the Great Flight was denied ..

( By Gabbiano Blu "Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

-" IL VOLO NEGATO.."- ( Fragile Innocenza )

I bambini sono come le rondini ..
Essi sbattono le loro ali nel nido..,
per aprire meglio le stesse..,
in modo che possano volare verso la vita..
Ci sono dei bambini..,
le cui ali sono state spezzate..
Ci sono dei bambini..,
le cui vite sono state rubate..
Ci sono dei bambini..,
che non saranno mai in grado..
di conoscere i dolci colori della Primavera..
Ci sono dei bambini..,
ai quali il Grande Volo è stato negato..

( By Gabbiano Blu "Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"The Silence.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - Italy )

- "Anger.."-

"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored..
than to anything on which it is poured.." ( By Mark Twain )

"Anger wants your soul.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

"You will not be punished for your anger.. You will be punished by your anger." ( Buddha )

"The Anger scratches your heart.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )

-"ANGER and LIES.."-

Anger upsets your mind..,
it leads you to strong emotions..,
it hurts you inside.., then the Anger bites your heart..

Often anger is joined with lies.., and it makes you wrong..,
the lies are able to steal all kinds of love..,
rage and lies shake your body.., this thing makes you mad..

Anger wants your light..,
it requires the death of your soul..,
throwing you alone into the darkness..

Hear your own heartbeats, everyone needs love..
Run away from any impulse of Anger, and from evil suggestions..
Open your eyes.., join your mind.., and love your soul.

( By Gabbiano Blu -Italy- "My Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Open your eyes.., join your mind.., and love your soul.." ( By Gabbiano Blu- Poem- Copyrights Reserved Protected )

"Love your soul.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy )


Innocence.. is like the perfection that a candid, white rose keeps inside her heart.
Don't make dying your rose ..

( By Gabbiano Blu - My Poems - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Innocence.." ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )


Dear roses..
You are so pretty flowers..,
those I prefer in my little garden.

Red passion roses..,
and white candid roses..
Never, I like to cut you off..

I like to see you there..,
so beautiful in the morning light..,
smelling your sweet.., seductive perfume.

You are fragile, dewy jewels..
So fascinating.., and so complicated..,
as only a true falling in love .. may be...

( By Gabbiano Blu - "My Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Love.." ( Gabbiano Blu -girl - Italy )

-"About LOVE .."-

"Make me immortal with a kiss...” ( By Christopher Marlowe )

"Did my heart love till now..??
Forswear it, sight..!!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.." ( By William Shakespeare )

"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand..!!
Oh.., that I were a glove upon that hand..,
that I might touch that cheek..!!" ( By William Shakespeare )

"Love comforteth like sunshine after rain.." ( By William Shakespeare )

"Love.." ( By Gabbiano Blu 's Words - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden where the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved.. brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring.." ( By Oscar Wilde )

"When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever.” ( By Unknown )

"Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day.."
( By Nicholas Sparks )

"L'amore deve avere la forza di attingere la certezza in se stesso. Allora non sarà trascinato, ma trascinerà."
( By Demian Herman Hesse )

"L'amore è un viaggio attraverso l'incantesimo impalpabile delle emozioni..
Un groviglio di sguardi ed immagini.., tra il visibile e l'invisibile..
E' il fascino.., attraverso l'incanto.." ( By F. Porta)

"Love is a journey through the spell of impalpable emotions..
A tangle of looks and images.., between the visible and the invisible..
It is the charm.., through the enchantment.." ( By F. Porta )

"Falling in love.., and having a relationship.. are two different things..." ( By Keanu Reeves )

"Love..." ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italy )

-" A Name.."-

"What' s in a name..??
That which we call a rose..
by any other name.. would smell as sweet..."

( By William Shakespeare )

-" KEANU .."-

it's your name.., a "Cool Breeze over the Mountains.."
Always so beautiful.., and so enchanting man.., you are...
Slight Breeze.., you are like a sweet and restless "Angel in White.."

( By Gabbiano Blu "Words"- Protected Copyright Reserved )

"Tell me why..!?!?" ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights ) ( By Gabbiano Blu girl - Italy )

-" TELL ME WHY.."- ( My Angel In White .. )

Please.., tell me why..
I can feel, your so lovely breeze..,
that comes close to my heart.

Cool Breeze..
born from the sea for climbing the Mountains,
so much beautiful, wild and sweet you are.

You are like an unreachable wave.
Always, you go, you want to sail,
and you start to fly around and far.

You are like a plume in the air..,
that goes on, only through its own way.
You are an impossible dream..

Yet.., I just want to say..
Please.., tell me why..
Although, I had never flown with you.. in that cool breeze..,
I can feel you.. like an angel.., forever so.. my "Angel in White".

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )


-"DIMMI PERCHE'.."- ( Brezza che vieni dal Mare )

Per favore..., dimmi perché...
Posso sentire, la tua brezza così gentile..,
che si avvicina al mio cuore.
Vento leggero..
nato dal mare per valicare confini e monti..,
sei così bello, dolce e selvaggio.
Tu sei come un'onda irraggiungibile.
Sempre, tu vai, tu desideri navigare,
e tu inizi a volare intorno e lontano.
Tu sei come una piuma nell'aria...,
che va su, e segue solo la sua via.
Tu sei un sogno impossibile..
Ancora..., voglio solo dire..
Per favore..., dimmi perché...
Sebbene io non abbia mai volato con te, in quella tua fresca brezza...,
io ti sento sempre.. come un angelo.., divenuto così.. angelo dei pensieri miei.

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poems" - Original Italian Version - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"My Angel in White..." ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights )


Tu.., Sogno Impossibile..
Tu sei quella amabile brezza..
La tua anima avvolge il mio cuore..

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Words"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )


You.., impossible Dream..
You are like a lovely breeze..
Your soul.. shrouds my heart..

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Haiku Poem"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

“For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul..”
( By Judy Garland )

"You touch my soul".. ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

-"REFLEX of LOVE.."-

I love my wings..
Every dream..
is as mirror of our soul..
Every dream reflects..
our deepness, our greatness..
Every dream..
reflects our secret hopes..

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

- "LA TUA ANIMA.." -

Tu.., Sogno Impossibile..
Tu sei quella amabile brezza..
La tua anima..
è come aria notturna..,
che nasce dal mare..
e accarezza il mio viso..
e infine avvolge il mio cuore..,
trascinando la mia mente..
attraverso la tua libera essenza..,
portandomi in un viaggio..,
alla scoperta del senso della tua bellissima esistenza.

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Words" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )


You.., Impossible Dream..
You are the loving breeze..
Your soul..
it's like night air..,
born from the sea..
that caresses my face..
and finally wraps my heart..,
dragging my mind..
through your free essence..,
leading me on a journey..
to discover the meaning of your beautiful existence.

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Words" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"My Heart 's Wings.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poem"- Protected Copyrights Reserved ) Ps / On the picture, my special version, to Actor Keanu Reeves dedicated.. Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.


Lovable wind..,
sweet Summer's dream..,
let me free..
I want to fly..
With my wings..
I feel your breath..
Your breeze can touch my soul..
My heart slightly wanders..,
I lose myself.., in your sweet warmth..,
and I remain as suspended.., so..,
through the time,
between reality.. and dreams..

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )


Amabile vento..,
dolce sogno d' Estate..,
rendimi libera..
Voglio volare..
Con le mie ali..
sento il tuo respiro..
La tua brezza può toccare la mia anima..
Il mio cuore vaga lieve..,
Io mi perdo.., nel tuo dolce tepore..,
e io resto come sospesa.., così..,
nel tempo.., fra sogno.. e realtà..

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Poems"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

PS-This is only a short version of my poem also titled "A dream in one Summer 's night".

"Lovely Summer Breeze.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poem"- Copyrights Reserved Protected )

( Un sogno in una notte d' Estate..)

Amabile Vento..
in questa notte d' Estate..,
rendimi libera.. Voglio volare..
Con le mie ali posso sentire il tuo respiro..
La tua brezza può toccare la mia anima..
Il mio cuore vaga lievemente sospinto..
Mi perdo nell' abbraccio del tuo dolce tepore..,
e io voglio restare sospesa.., invisibile così..,
in uno spazio senza Tempo.., fra Sogno.. e Realtà..
Come una soffice piuma.., mi sollevo leggera..,
vibrando di luce nell'aria.., al chiaro di luna..
Come un gabbiano.., io volo libera..
sulle onde del mare dei miei pensieri..
Io guardo le stelle.. nel cielo notturno..,
e vagando attraverso lo spazio infinito..,
in esso mi perdo.. nel suo più profondo Blu..,
inseguendo la scia effimera.. di un sogno impossibile..

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Poems"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

... ... ...

( A dream in one Summer 's night..)

Lovable wind..
this Summer 's night...,
let me free.. I want to fly..
With my wings I can feel your breath..
Your breeze can touch my soul..
My heart wanders.. slightly driven..
I lose myself.. in your sweet embrace of warmth..,
and I want to remain suspended.., invisible so..,
in a Space without Time, between reality.. and dreams..
Like a soft feather.., I rise in the air..,
I am light so vibrating.., into silvered sky of sister moon..
Like a seagull.., freely I want to fly..
on the waves of the Ocean of my thoughts..
I watch the stars.. in the night sky..,
and wandering through the infinite space ..,
I lose myself in it.., into the deepest Blue.,
chasing the charming wake.. of an impossible dream..

( By Gabbiano Blu -"Poems"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"True Love is forever.." ( By Gabbiano Blu- "Poem"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

-" LIVE YOUR DREAMS.."- ( As Keanu dreamer does, so your dreams become true..)
( By Gabbiano Blu "Acrostic Poem" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

( As Keanu dreamer does, so your dreams become true..)

Kept into the mind..
Everyone has some beautiful dream..
Always.. dreams call you.., dreams need their life..
Nothing is impossible through the time.., listening the voice of the wind..
Under this sky.., look up.., grab your star.., if you really want to fly into the blue.
Rain falls.., and rain can delete..
Every insignificant imprint on the streets..
Everyone.. can make..
Very important things, through achievement of dreams..
Every good person can leave indelible imprints during the journey..
Simply by living, as the way that, your dreams whispering to the heart, suggest to do..

( By Gabbiano Blu "Acrostic Poem" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

Nb / Just to joke with words, I wrote this poem in English, following the pattern of the method "Acrostic" for the English version. My poem is dedicated to the great actor Keanu Reeves..

I made this for all my good friends who are fans of actor Keanu, as I am.. However, with my little poem, I suggest everybody to follow their dreams..

( Segue Traduzione in lingua italiana )


Custodito nella mente ..
ognuno di noi ha qualche bel sogno ..
Sempre i sogni ti chiamano.., i sogni hanno bisogno della loro vita..
Niente è impossibile.. attraverso il tempo, ascoltando la voce del vento..,
Sotto questo cielo.., guarda in alto.., afferra la tua stella.., se vuoi davvero volare nel blu.
La pioggia cade.., e la pioggia può cancellare..
ogni impronta insignificante per le strade..
Tutti possono fare..
cose molto importanti, attraverso la realizzazione di sogni..
Ogni buona persona può lasciare impronte indelebili durante il viaggio..,
semplicemente vivendo, così come.. i nostri sogni sussurrando al cuore, suggeriscono di fare..

( By Gabbiano Blu "Words" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"Freedom, Love and Dreams.." ( By Gabbiano Blu - "Poem"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

-"FREEDOM and LOVE.."-

Freedom has a scent so rare..
When we are able to breathe that perfume..,
we feel a wonderful sensation..
Breathing in the scent of freedom..,
you get one of the best things in life..
When destiny allows a sweet encounter..,
with a real soul mate..,
I really hope that..,
trying to breathe in a so precious perfume..,
two people living together..,
are still able to achieve..,
through love and freedom..,
the best feeling in their lives..
"As the way that seagulls are able to fly freely..,
in the sky.., over the ocean.., into the blu.."

( By Gabbiano Blu - Words - Protected Copyright Reserved )

"Freedom and Love's beauty.." ( By Gabbiano Blu-"Poem" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )


La libertà ha un profumo così raro..
Quando siamo in grado di respirare quel profumo..,
sentiamo una sensazione meravigliosa..
Respirando il profumo di libertà.,
noi ottieniamo una delle cose migliori della vita..
Quando il destino permette un dolce incontro..,
con una vera e propria anima gemella..,
io spero realmente che..,
cercando di respirare un profumo così prezioso..,
due persone vivendo insieme..,
siano sempre in grado di raggiungere..,
attraverso Amore e Libertà..,
la sensazione più bella della loro vita..
"Come il modo in cui i gabbiani sono in grado di volare..
liberamente.., nel cielo, sopra l'oceano.., nel blu.."

( By Gabbiano Blu - "Words" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"My Deep Blu.." ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

-" DEEP BLUE.."-

I love you..
every day..,
every night..
I love you..
at the sunsite..,
at the surise..
I always love you..
and you touch my soul..
I love your waves..
in Summer days..
I love your waves..
in stormy weather..
I always love you..
since.. I was a child..
I give you my mind..
You give me your breath..
I can feel your silences..
I love your voice in the wind..
Deep Blue..
so sweet..,
and strong..
Deep Blue..
you make me free..,
you take me into your own..

( By Gabbiano Blu - "My Poems" - Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"My Wings.." ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.


I love you..,
you are my Deep Blue..,
since.. I was a child..

I give you my mind..
You give me your breath..

I want to feel your silences..
I love your voice in the wind..

Deep Blue.., I love you..
So sweet.., and strong..

Deep Blue.., I love you..,
because you make me free..,
when you take me into your own..

( By Gabbiano Blu - "My Poems"- Protected Copyrights Reserved )

"I always love you.. since when I was a child.."
 ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

I am Gabbiano Blu..
and I love my wings...

( By Gabbiano Blu's Words.. )

"My Wings.." ( By Gabbiano Blu Words Copyrights - Italy ) Ps/ I am a girl and I live in Italy.

NB/ This page is made By Gabbiano Blu - North Italy. ALL PROTECTED COPYRIGHTS RESERVED.

Ciao..!! ( Gabbiano Blu - girl - Italia )


NB : The editing of this page is still in progress, obviously, I wrote and deposited My Poems a lot of time ago, rispect the date of posting on this Blog.
  I compose my poems in Italian language, and so it’s not easy for me to translate the same in English.

.....  §  .....


At Soon ..!!


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